Yesterday we had to make some hard decisions. In a burst of realisation, after listening to some of the great things people are saying about GlastoStar, we decided we needed to take a change in direction. And we had to do it quick.
We've been getting a lot of requests about supporting other festivals. We always wanted to do this but never really thought how. GlastoStar is our second venture in this idea - the first was a non-commercial pilot at the Miami WMC. After discussing the possibility of supporting other festivals, we realised we'd quickly come into a world of pain with versioning and other software development related shiz if we carried along the path we were going. It would also mean having to launch a new app for every festival - lots of work and you guys would end up paying more.
To overcome this we've taken a step back and re-adjusted our sights. We're going to offer a one hat fits all festival app. This app is the same in concept as the GlastoStar app, same great features (plus more) but we're now going to offer the ability to buy festival packs inside the app. These packs will be for a much lesser price than the actual app (around half the price) - saving you money every time you go to a festival and want to use FestivalStar.
This does mean that Jon is going to have to do some more redesign and I'm going to need to shift things about a bit. We expect to be delayed about a week. But we think it's for the best. It means we can offer you guys a great, consistent and much cheaper app. And it means I don't have to have a million different versions of xyzStar on the go :)
Comments, suggestions welcomed.
We've been getting a lot of requests about supporting other festivals. We always wanted to do this but never really thought how. GlastoStar is our second venture in this idea - the first was a non-commercial pilot at the Miami WMC. After discussing the possibility of supporting other festivals, we realised we'd quickly come into a world of pain with versioning and other software development related shiz if we carried along the path we were going. It would also mean having to launch a new app for every festival - lots of work and you guys would end up paying more.
To overcome this we've taken a step back and re-adjusted our sights. We're going to offer a one hat fits all festival app. This app is the same in concept as the GlastoStar app, same great features (plus more) but we're now going to offer the ability to buy festival packs inside the app. These packs will be for a much lesser price than the actual app (around half the price) - saving you money every time you go to a festival and want to use FestivalStar.
This does mean that Jon is going to have to do some more redesign and I'm going to need to shift things about a bit. We expect to be delayed about a week. But we think it's for the best. It means we can offer you guys a great, consistent and much cheaper app. And it means I don't have to have a million different versions of xyzStar on the go :)
Comments, suggestions welcomed.
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