Festival Star V1.0 submitted to appstore!

Here it is:

Date Submitted :  11 May 2010
Status :  Waiting For Review

V1.0 isn't feature complete - I wanted to release early/release often - which means that I wanted to get a stable version of the app out into the wild as soon as possible to start getting feedback on it. We'll be adding data all the time - the app will update its database every time it's fired up. The two main areas where this version is incomplete are preferences - where you'll be able to specify whether or not you want to cache images locally, how often to update, on/off offline mode etc. And 'My Maps' - this is a fairly complicated feature which allows users to take a photo of their car, tent, favorite bar whatever - and then tag that on the map for later retrieval.

So in around 2 weeks some of the features you can expect for V1.1 will be:
  • preferences
  • my maps
  • near me
  • a lot more data covering more festivals
  • act/band clashes 
  • message reminders for starred acts/bands
  • feedback screen
We're really looking forward to hearing your feedback and what you'd like us to do with the app next.

Remember if you'd like the app converted to your non iPhone device you need to make your voice heard!

Any requests for features or new festivals are welcome here until the feedback screen is in the app.

There's also a  new video for your perusal

