V1.1 update +future projects!

Now that Festival Star V1.0 is winging its way through the AppStore i thought I'd update you guys with the progress of V1.1.  As mentioned previously, V1.0 was an early release to get the app out into the wild so we can start getting feedback. It only has glasto data in at the moment but we've started adding support for other festivals. The app will update itself once we publish this new data and you'll start seeing other festivals on the home screen. In future versions you'll be able to select which events are loaded into your app and remove unneeded events if you wish.

New features in V1.1 will include:
  • My Maps - as promised, you'll be able to tag locations on the maps and pin a pic to the tag so you'll be able to find your car, tent whatever no matter how drunk you get!
  • Richer features in the Network section: view friends favorited events, more flexible management of your network.
  • Some minor bug fixes and code improvements.
  • Upload photos to Festival Star (this is going to be very cool - read on)
  • Facebook integration - import friends from facebook
  • Twitter/facebook status updates
Aside from all this, I'm also firing up two completely new projects:
  1. Android - it looks to me that Android is the winner of the poll - I'm going to leave the poll running to see what device to support after Android but I think it's safe to bet where the first port should be going. I can't guarantee that the Androiod version will be ready in time for the start of festival season but I'm going to give it my best shot!
  2. Who's heard of PhotoSynth?! If not - go here: http://photosynth.net/ if you don't have SilverLight installed - install it and have a play with one of the coolest (IMO) recent innovations.
The plan is to allow people to upload pics from the festival (probably by saving them to the phone and then upload them when you get home). Using these photos and your geo information I can interact with the PhotoSynth web services and create our very own PhotoSynths! By mashing everyone's photos together I think we can create some amazing effects - re-creating your festival experience in 3d! I'm having talks with MS to figure out the best way to do this and am very excited at the prospect of doing something that I think will be mind blowing. We have some other 'post event' style mashups and effects ideas but this is going to be my main focus in this area.

We're buzzed about the app and the start of the festival season and look forward to getting your feedback and requests.



  1. you mentioning Android makes me want to follow you, an app for android would definitely be a winner! twitter.com/neal (two android phones & two hands)

  2. Cheers!

    We'r just adding more festivals and finalising new features for v1.1 and then I'm going to get cracking on Android.

    We should have - at the least - a light version of the app for Android in time for Glasto - perhaps earlier.



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